Comprehensive Addiction Treatment
Here at our substance abuse treatment facility, we pride ourselves on providing adequate treatment for clients, no matter what their particular circumstances might be.
Our Drug Rehab Facilities
We recognize that addiction recovery will look different depending on the individual client, and to that end, we maintain a full spectrum of treatment strategies to help us provide effective support to every client.
- Supervised Detox
- Individual & Group Therapy
- Dual Diagnosis
- Aftercare Services
Because the strategy that is most effective for one client may prove ineffectual to another, we strive to ensure we have a variety of treatment options at hand. Every client deserve to get the support they need to achieve recovery, and our diverse stable of treatment options ensures we can provide that.
Conditions We Treat
We offer both individual and group counselling sessions to our clients. Individual sessions afford our clients the chance to meet with one of our friendly and well-trained staff members in a private setting.
Alcohol Addiction
There, they’ll be free to discuss any aspect of addiction recovery treatment at our drug rehab center that they would like, while secure in the knowledge that the information shared during individual therapy will remain confidential. The revelations you will experience during individual therapy and the skills you develop there will help you maintain your recovery for the long run.
Drug Addiction
Group therapy is another essential aspect of the treatment we provide for our clients. During group sessions, you’ll get the chance to meet with your peers in recovery. During group sessions, which will be guided by one of our friendly and well-trained staff members, clients will get the opportunity to share with their peers in our drug rehab clinic. In addition, group therapy often provides our clients with a blueprint for a sober support network that will last for an extended period of time, even after they have left our addiction recovery treatment facility.
Why choose Serene Detox?
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Effective Treatment Programs
As a client graduates from our addiction recovery program and begins the next stage of their recovery, we want them to be aware that we’ll continue to provide our support.
Detox Detoxification
In order to achieve this object, we provide clients with a plan for comprehensive aftercare treatment when they are prepared to leave our drug rehab center.
12-step Program
This aftercare plan will exponentially increase the chances that the client will be able to maintain their recovery for an extended period of time.
Co-occurring Disorders
When you are ready to achieve your recovery goals, we hope that you’ll get in contact with the friendly experts at our addiction recovery center.<br />